Michael Mitchell

Software Engineer
San Francisco, CA


Data Science & Statistics

About Me

Full Stack Web Software Engineer

I’m an Electrical and Computer Engineer from Purdue University whose done everything from hardware design in VHDL, to writing firmware in assembly and C, to full stack web development in interpreted languages like Ruby, Python, and Javascript. I love building products and features from the ground up and seeing them go live in production, so full stack web development is where I plan to stay.

What I’ve Done

Most recently: I extracted a custom e-commerce Rails application into a multi-tenanted peer-to-peer marketplace platform hosted on AWS and expanded it’s feature set to include:

  • Custom templating for public facing pages
  • Customer swappable payment gateways
  • Bulk downloading of all data for 3rd party analysis
  • Per-marketplace customizable internationalization
  • An admin backend that allows the sales team to tailor the feature set available in each client’s marketplace

I also managed the AWS infrastructure that hosted the load balancers, app servers, database, cache, work queues, and search service.

In the past:

  • I’ve led hardware and software development on a micro-fluidic dosing system for dynamic compounding (Ruby and C)
  • I’ve designed an industrial packaging line and written the automation software for it (Java and C).
  • I’ve integrated a popular Ruby CMS into a publisher’s education center for authors
  • I’ve led development on a Unity3D application written in C# that taught music theory using a novel geometric approach

What I Can Do

I can write full stack web software in Ruby/Rails to build awesome products. I can also host those applications in AWS if needed, but I’d rather spend my time improving the product itself.

What I’d Like To Do Next

I’m ready for the next stage in my career and am looking to join an amazing engineering team with a great product and an emphasis on culture & employee growth. I’d like to continue building web products in Ruby, but wouldn’t mind picking up Go, Java, Scala, etc, if a high performance service needs to be broken out of the Rails stack. I’m also in the middle of an online degree in Data Analysis, and ideally would like to start doing more data heavy features.